.... and typically hails, and almost always floods, and there's usually some impressively large lightning thrown in for effect. At least, that's the kind of week I've been having. Between car trouble, family issues, a nagging stress headache, and a gazillion other minor annoyances, the past several days have packed a bit of a one-two (three-four?) punch. However, in a continuing effort to ward off the crazy focus on the happy, I figured I'd channel my favorite holiday (can you guess?) and talk about a few of the things I've been thankful for lately:
-- yummy dinners/leftovers: I sauteed okra again last night and am kind of obsessed, and I also baked some great salmon for myself and a friend. I'm pretty excited that a leftover piece is sitting in the fridge waiting to be plopped onto a spinach salad for my lunch today. I also whipped up a box of 'pearled couscous' last night, which I've never tried before. It was delicious!
-- haircuts: I got my locks trimmed last week, and I love that something so simple always boosts my confidence and gives me a whole new outlook on the world. I feel much lighter and it's great for running, I love how my short little ponytail bounces along behind me!
-- (A)B&J on a waffle: my new favorite breakfast is something that most people have been enjoying their entire lives, but since I'm allergic to peanuts/peanut butter, the very first PB&J sandwich I had was also my last. After years of being hesitant (although I eat almonds, so I'm not sure why I was worried), I recently bought a jar of almond butter to try. While it's pretty bland by itself, it is the perfect topping to a waffle with a little bit of raspberry jam. I've also discovered that I like to add a spoonful to my oatmeal, and I'm pretty excited to try out a few more combinations that I was deprived of as a kid!
-- Mumford & Sons on Pandora: I recently set up a new station with Mumford and Sons, David Gray, and Peter Bradley Adams (who I saw in a teeny tiny but excellent concert a few weeks ago). The genius that is Pandora has thrown in a little Matt Nathanson, Mat Kearney, Counting Crows, and of course the occasional Dave Matthews for a perfect balance of mellow and relaxing.
-- vacations from work: While I love taking a few days off myself (and can't wait until my 4-day weekend in July!), sometimes it's just as nice when co-workers go on vacation. In general I like the people I work with and value their talents and insight, but sometimes it's nice to have fewer interruptions, fewer crises, and a much quieter workday. I am getting so much done this week!
-- awesome runs: I had a fantastic long run this weekend and have gone on three great shorter runs since then. Despite the heat, I've been feeling great and the miles are flying by faster and easier. I'm crossing my fingers this continues!
-- Magnum ice cream bars: Please tell me you've tried these. If not, stop right here. Nothing I could write would be more essential to your very well-being than you scooting out the door and getting to a grocery store as fast as your little legs will take you. Really, I can wait. My words will sound much better when you're distracted by crunchy chocolate and smooth ice cream anyway. Let me tell you, these are heaven in frozen form. Perfection-on-a-stick. Pure bliss wrapped in chocolate. The double chocolate are my own personal crack, but I hear that other people like the caramel ones too. I'm just more of a death-by-chocolate girl. The only problem with these? They come in boxes of three (and no, they're not cheap). So far my very small amount of will power has hung on bravely to just one a night, but it's only a matter of time before that snaps like a cheap rubber band and I start bringing them to work too. It's a good (if slightly miraculous) thing that those runs are getting easier, because I'm sure going to need it as the boxes continue to pile up in my trash can.
So there you have it, lots of things to be happy about. Which does seem to ward off that impending bad mood... or if nothing else, now I'm distracted by a sudden and intense need for a Magnum bar. Details, details....