When I hit a slump like this, I always have a tough time pulling myself to my feet and forcing myself to break the streak. I know that a lot of people in this situation would simply sit themselves down for a little pep talk and tell themselves to think positively. For me, though, it tends to take some outside force to end a slew of crappy days -- either a fortuitous event that comes along and turns things right around, or some realization that forces me to stop feeling so bad for myself. Luckily, tonight I stumbled across that little trip-wire and was smacked in the head with a lesson in perspective: no matter how bad things are, they could always be worse. It sounds cheesy but it is so true -- it's what I realize every spring night that I lie back on the warm pavement at night and stare up into the massive expanse of stars. Life is so much bigger than all of our little problems, even when several little ones snowball into a big, ugly pile of problems. It's time for me to be grateful that my life is as good as it is, because in the end, that always turns out to be good enough.