April 11, 2011

How Was Your Weekend?

Mine was beautifully, fantastically, fabulously.... boring. Which is, considering the extreme speed of life lately, exactly how I like my weekends served: laid back and stress-free, with an extra side of sleep. I'm pretty sure I did get more sleep in the past three days than I have in several weeks, which in itself would have been enough to make it a glorious weekend. 
Luckily, though, it did get slightly more exciting than the hours and hours I spent fighting the cat for at least a corner of the pillow (he's a persistent one). On Saturday I went for a very long, very cold run around our local university campus (and then spent about two hours trying to coax feeling back into my fingers), and Dan and I headed out with a good friend to the brewery where I used to work. I'm relatively certain that I gained back all the weight I've been working on losing during that single meal, but it was absolutely worth it: such amazing food!
Sunday I ran and then met up with my little from my college fraternity, who was in town for the weekend. We had a yummy breakfast and it was so great to catch up and hear all about her recent international travels. I spent the afternoon by the pool (white wedding dress + white bouquet + white walls = someone needs a tan) with the April issue of Food Network Magazine and a list of recipes I want to try, which is rapidly growing beyond the bounds of what is possible in the next oh, say, 5 years. Law school = 0, culinary school = 1. 
Dan and I also went out to see this movie last night:
Dan was dying to see it because the previews made him tear up with laughter, and I kind of love Natalie Portman, so I was a willing date. Plus, there was popcorn. And cherry coke. I don't turn either of those down. Surprisingly, neither of us were disappointed -- definitely not a movie to see with your parents, but if you're prepared for questionable, and at times downright horrible, humor, then it's not so bad.
For those of you keeping track, you're absolutely right: unless you count tanning or running, I did absolutely nothing this weekend to prepare for the wedding. Actually, that's not totally true -- I sent a few emails and talked through a few things with the groom-to-be, but definitely nothing terribly productive. I do have a list of things I need to finish up this week, but thankfully it's pretty short and definitely doable. At this point, I'm just ready for this week to go quickly so that I can enjoy a few days off work with my new hubby!
Hope that everyone else had a lovely, relaxing weekend too!



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