April 30, 2012

Weekend By The Numbers

Today's post comes to you straight from my new cubicle, which came complete with a window view (very exciting for a former basement-dweller) and a fancy new job title (marketing coordinator sounds important, right?) Unfortunately, my blogging may be a bit thrown off by my new schedule, but I'm going to do my best to stay up to speed. I am sure that the three people reading this blog would probably be lost without pictures of this handsome guy to get them through their days:

I was a busy little beaver this weekend, and I thought I'd share in a format I haven't used in a while. Here's how my days measured out:

... meals of pizza. This is incredibly strange for me, but hubs and I seems to be on a bit of a pizza kick lately. Friday night, we got takeout from this amazing local spot -- I usually get a buffalo chicken pizza, but decided to stray from the norm and try the Red Skin Potato Pie (sans bacon). YUM. Saturday night in DC, the four of us went here, and again I couldn't resist a pizza... this time the Roasted Mushroom. Again, YUM. The other half of those four meals were fantastic leftovers of both.

... miles for the week. Hopefully some of that amazing pizza was offset by all the running I did this week -- my longest since sometime last fall. I didn't actually get in a long run this weekend, but had several great medium-length runs after work and a few two-a-days during the week that racked up the mileage. It feels good to be back up in the 40's again, and although I'd like to keep climbing, I think I'll probably plateau here for a bit, especially as temperatures get warmer. 

... yellow dresses found. I believe I mentioned that I have been told to wear yellow to the wedding Dan and I are attending this weekend. I may or may not have also mentioned how annoyed I am at being required to wear a certain color despite not being in the wedding party. Ahem. (For the record, I am thrilled to NOT be in this wedding... just not thrilled to be told what to wear) Anyway... apparently this is not the time of year to buy a yellow dress, because I have been searching and searching and came up with absolutely no options in my size that fit my (fairly generous, for a wedding I'm not even IN) budget. So I ordered a blue dress. Oh well.

... catnaps in the sun. I sat at the pool for a few hours yesterday: just enough time to take two nice naps and develop a very odd tan line on one shoulder. Did I mention that the blue dress I bought will show that off nicely? Perfect.

... wedding dresses tried on. My mom and I headed up to DC on Saturday to meet my best friend M and start the process of wedding dress shopping. I had two appointments and tried on everything from ball gowns to mermaid cuts, satin to silk, diamond white to pale pink.

... price of the most expensive gown I tried on. This is way outside of the budget, but the weekend's goal was to try as many styles as possible so that I could get a good sense of what I liked and what I didn't. Luckily for all involved, I didn't fall in love with this one.

... wedding dress that I did fall in love with. I actually really liked about 3 of the gowns I tried on, but when I stepped into the last one... I knew. We haven't made a purchase yet, because I have a few more places to look before I make a final decision, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I will be going back to this dress in the end. I get the shivers every time I look at the picture, which must be a good sign.

All in all, I'd call that a successful weekend... especially because despite those little naps yesterday, I can't stop yawning. Luckily, this is a short week in my new job before we head off for the wedding on Friday.
How did your weekend add up?



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