March 28, 2011

A Lovely Weekend

I am very much in denial about the fact that it is Monday again. It's just not possible. Unfortunately, this technique doesn't seem to be working so far: the alarm still went off, I still guilted myself into a morning run, and here I am at work. Looks like a Monday, smells like a Monday. Damn.
We had a pretty fabulous (if cold) weekend around here. I kicked it off with a Dunkin Donuts run after work Friday, since in my experience, it's impossible for a weekend that starts with iced coffee to be anything less than wonderful. I drove over to my in-law's house to see how the painting was going, and Dan's mom and I talked about the next stage of the project. It's going to look so great when we get done! Dan made it back into town and we headed out to pick up some electrical tape and also found a couple pretty, low maintenance, non-toxic-to-cats plants. I've been wanting a little one to brighten up our bathroom, and Toby has provided his seal of approval -- he's already gnawed off one of the leaves. Crazy cat. The other one looks great in our living room, and now we're just on the lookout for that spray that makes plants taste slightly less delicious. Speaking of things that taste yummy, Dan made my very favorite pasta for dinner, and shortly thereafter I slipped into a food coma while watching Say Yes to the Dress. I'd say that's a pretty good night.
Saturday I left my boys in bed while I went to the gym (it was freezing outside) for a really long run. More on that sometime later when I can write about it without my legs cringing in pain. After that, Dan and I drove a few hours to see my best friend and her boyfriend. The four of us went out for a great lunch and then the guys headed back to the apartment while we did some shopping. We all met up at this great little mexican restaurant for dinner, where we ended up waiting almost an hour for a table. I finished my second margarita from the bar just as we sat down to eat... and Dan convinced me to order my third. We spent the night on my best friends' couch: again, a pretty good night.
Yesterday was lazy -- I rehydrated and showered, we drove back to our hometown with another iced coffee in hand (it's a weakness), and took a nice long afternoon nap cuddled up with poor Toby, who acted like we'd been gone for weeks. Last night we went out for a high-carb italian dinner (the best kind) to celebrate Dan's dad's birthday. I ate one of these:

when we got home. That's right, another pretty good night.
Hope that everyone else enjoyed their weekend and got to take it easy and eat lots of good food. And maybe drank a margarita... or three. This week is going to be full of wedding prep, work craziness, gym time, and hopefully a little bit of fun, so I'm hoping it's going to fly by!



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